The PB Family

A UK Family lifestyle and beauty Blog. We are a family who range in age from 2 months - 70years! Join us as we review items, live our daily life and discuss the worlds happenings!

Monday, 11 July 2011

Growing a Giant Granny!

Happy Hippie July everyone!

Well once again I have been laid up with a rather nasty chest Infection which has egged on my Asthma leaving me quite poorly.   I thank God for Mr CM as I have spent the weekend in bed while he has ran the house. (and a fine job he has done too!)
With that in mind I will be posting items I have made over the last couple of weeks put haven't had the time  to post about.  I have been so tired that for the last week I have been unable to even pick up a crochet hook as I have felt  so rough.

An Angel I made by adapting a Holly Hobby eighties knitting pattern

Rear of the angel.  Shes stands about 8 inches high

A Doll my brother commissioned as a gift for my mother
It took me a full half day to add the hair to her.  Each strand was individually added and took ages!

Cards made using vintage photographs
This is a card for my daughters school teacher

I used "bubble" type stickers for the following cards.

My favourite card. 
I love love butterflies! This little girl is so cute!

My first ever Granny square cushion!

And of course it wouldn't be the same if it wasn't modeled by princess

I have been catching up on all the blogs Ive missed and Ive decide to join in with the giant Granny rug/blanket challenge hosted here.  Its something Ive wanted to do one for ages and I really Fancy the idea of having a cosy crochet blanket over our bed on the cold winter nights. Why not join in?  There's no time limit on the completion (although I have set the end of September as personal challenge)
So far I'm on 14 rounds  and so have a fair way to go to make the required 200 round to finish!
I will add some photos on my next post.

Thank you for reading everyone and I look forward to your comments
Bye Bye for now


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