The PB Family

A UK Family lifestyle and beauty Blog. We are a family who range in age from 2 months - 70years! Join us as we review items, live our daily life and discuss the worlds happenings!

Monday, 24 October 2011

October is nearly gone!

Well here I am again over a month from my last post.  I'm still suffering with the effects of my hospital stay but feel better than i have for a long while.

SSSSSSSSoooooooooo   What have i been up to?  Well a bit of this,

A couple of pairs of cosy slipper socks for GD2.  Ive made her a couple of pairs as she keeps kicking off her socks

and then a bit of this...........

My Daughter-in-law makes THE BEST choccie cake and shared her secret with me.  So I had a go and added the strawberries as I couldn't resist!  But i have to say hers is still better

Then we went to visit friends in the midlands and attend a birthday party.  We had such a good time there.  Cant wait to see them again soon.

My Husband and I
Daddy and Princess

My school friends and I

and twenty years on from us leaving school, here are our daughters!

As for Wips?  Well I'm still working on the giant granny blanket.  I have a hat on the go for Mr CM and I'm also making a knitted cardigan for one of my granddaughter's.  I will add photos soon.

I hope all is well in your corner of the world and we will meet again soon xxx


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