The PB Family

A UK Family lifestyle and beauty Blog. We are a family who range in age from 2 months - 70years! Join us as we review items, live our daily life and discuss the worlds happenings!

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Things change in life

Hello Lovelies.

In our lives things often change.  We get married have children, work, progress in our careers, some marriages don't make it and some do.  Some people find the love of their lives first time round and for others it takes two or three or more attempts.  

Mr PB and I in the early days

When we dont know what our future holds it can be pretty scary stuff!  We kind of have a plan for our futures of how our lives will map out but then things change and we are left floundering!
Its difficult when you are going through changes and sometimes its hard for others to understand.  Our children have grown up except for the girl child who is very much her own person now at nearly 14 years old and so Mr PB and I are embarking on some pretty life changing stuff ourselves.

We have been considering things for quite a while and although nothing is finalised just yet there is a very very good chance we will be leaving our home and moving to somewhere new.  We may be embarking on new careers, who knows.  All we do know is that what ever we do do, it will be together and as one!  

Bye for now
Hales xxxxxx

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