The PB Family

A UK Family lifestyle and beauty Blog. We are a family who range in age from 2 months - 70years! Join us as we review items, live our daily life and discuss the worlds happenings!

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Paying for the royals

Hi lovelies!

Well very soon we will be hearing the news that another royal baby has been born.

Baby Sussex will be seventh in line to the throne.  I am unashamedly a royalist and believe in the monarchy.  It is a institution that we as a country, should be immensely proud of.  Many countries do not have a Queen or a King so we are blessed.  They do a fantastic job (well some of them)

Although I am a royalist I do believe there should be a restriction on how many we are required to pay for as a country.  The monarch, Next in line to the throne and their families should be our responsibility to pay for and support.  After that they should be on their own and expected to find employment as would any other person.  By this I mean HRH Queen Elizabeth, Husband and her children, and then Charles' children should be on the royal payroll.  The others should support themselves. whether this is by charging for royal engagements or getting a job would be entirely up to them.  (If I ruled the world!).  This means that royal such as Princess Beatrice etc would support themselves.

Its not a popular idea among royalists but its a opinion I have and stick to.  After all cutbacks should effect everyone not just the working man.

Let me know your thoughts, do you agree or not?
Either way its food for thought!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you here again real soon.
Bye for now

Hales xx

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