................. And Im back in the room!!!!
Hi there lovely Friends!
Its been a hot minute since I have posted! Ive just been so, so busy!
In august I had a operation. One that I had been waiting for for close to five years! My life is so much better because of it and I have a much better out look on life. It is as if the whole world has opened up to me and I see things around me in a different light. I still suffer from chronic pain but (You kinda get used to it after such a long time!) and my disabilities are not improved but my out look on things are completely different! It truly is a case of mind over matter!
Anyhoo! Enough about me! Its nearly Christmas!!!!!!!!
Totally my favourite time of the year! I love the whole build up things, the carols at church, wrapping presents, Christmas shopping, the Grandchildren getting excited, Christmas Fayre's! I could go on and on! Of course because our Christian faith is such a big part of our lives we celebrate the "reason for the season" Jesus! We will be at church Christmas morning before going home to open presents and have a lovely breakfast which is always prepared by Mr PB.
Although all this is good and family time is great, we always think about the people who struggle with loneliness or financially at this time of year. To afford Christmas we pay into the voucher scheme at "Park Hampers" (the link is HERE ) This is not a sponsored post, I just telling you what we do! It makes affording Christmas so much easier. To be honest we do have to budget hard to afford to pay for the vouchers but they are such a Godsend to know that Christmas is paid for each year and we don't have to worry where the money is coming from or get into debt. I totally recommend it.
The other thing we do is shop in the sales throughout the years. little items can be picked up all year round and added to a gift basket. I often do this for people like my Mother and Mother-in-law. It makes a great personalised gift.
Also through the year you can pick up great food bargains. 3 4 2 and buy one get one free items can be spit and the free one put in a box or cupboard and kept towards Christmas. Just remember to check the best before dates! Even cleaning products and toiletries can be stored to use during October, November and December so that frees up a little extra cash during those months!
I usually buy clothes for the Children and Grandchildren for Christmas. This does two jobs. Firstly they get a gift, secondly they get something useful! With a Teenager in the house I know just how many clothes they need! (of course the Grandchildren also get toys! I cant not!)
The final Idea we have is that we keep a savings tin in the house. It is one of the tins you buy from poundland and places like that. Like a tin of beans with a sot in the top! You know the kind? We put all our loose change in it all year round and then crack it open in December. We don't get too much back (maybe £40?) but as they say, every little helps!
When I started this post I didn't realise that it was going to turn into a money saving Christmas post! But there you go! I hope my ideas are helpful to some. If not for this year then for next!
Well I guess I will be off for now. Thank you for all the lovely messages asking where I have been. It means so much to think that people care about us!
God bless
Bye for now
Hales xx
Its been a hot minute since I have posted! Ive just been so, so busy!
In august I had a operation. One that I had been waiting for for close to five years! My life is so much better because of it and I have a much better out look on life. It is as if the whole world has opened up to me and I see things around me in a different light. I still suffer from chronic pain but (You kinda get used to it after such a long time!) and my disabilities are not improved but my out look on things are completely different! It truly is a case of mind over matter!
Anyhoo! Enough about me! Its nearly Christmas!!!!!!!!
Totally my favourite time of the year! I love the whole build up things, the carols at church, wrapping presents, Christmas shopping, the Grandchildren getting excited, Christmas Fayre's! I could go on and on! Of course because our Christian faith is such a big part of our lives we celebrate the "reason for the season" Jesus! We will be at church Christmas morning before going home to open presents and have a lovely breakfast which is always prepared by Mr PB.

The other thing we do is shop in the sales throughout the years. little items can be picked up all year round and added to a gift basket. I often do this for people like my Mother and Mother-in-law. It makes a great personalised gift.

I usually buy clothes for the Children and Grandchildren for Christmas. This does two jobs. Firstly they get a gift, secondly they get something useful! With a Teenager in the house I know just how many clothes they need! (of course the Grandchildren also get toys! I cant not!)

When I started this post I didn't realise that it was going to turn into a money saving Christmas post! But there you go! I hope my ideas are helpful to some. If not for this year then for next!
Well I guess I will be off for now. Thank you for all the lovely messages asking where I have been. It means so much to think that people care about us!
God bless
Bye for now
Hales xx
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