The PB Family

A UK Family lifestyle and beauty Blog. We are a family who range in age from 2 months - 70years! Join us as we review items, live our daily life and discuss the worlds happenings!

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

March Favourites!

Hi Lovelies!

So lets jump straight in with what I've been loving this month!

I'm totally loving the sunny weather.  Sometimes in the UK the lines between Winter and spring are somewhat blurred!  We often don't know what season it is because of the awful weather.  Not so this year!  We have had some lovely sunny days which have been so warm we have been able to go out without coats or woollies on.  I love spring!  Its one of my favourite times of the year.  The little flowers and blossoms on the trees is a sure sign of new starts and that the darkness of winter is over!

Learning sign language

One of my friends is partially deaf and communicates partly by using sign language.  It is something that I've always wanted to learn but never really had the opportunity.  So my friend and I meet up each Monday and she teaches me a new sign each week.  So far I know all the important signs like Coffee, Cake, Biscuits and of course "I need the bathroom!"  

I believe very strongly that sign language should be taught in all schools as its so important that deaf people can communicate with anyone they need to.  

I did notice that after the horrible events at the Mosque in New Zealand when the Prime Minister was giving a press conference, there was someone signing what she was saying to the country.  Apparently this is something that is common place in both New Zealand and Australia.  Why does it not happen here?  I will personally be writing to our Prime Minister and asking the question why?   

Dirty John
I'm loving the Netflix show dirty John.   Its not really the kind of thing I would really usually watch but my brother talked me in to it!  Before watching I thought "would anyone ever really be taken in that easily?"  But having watched it I realise how clever these con-men are.  Although I still think the lady in question was a little naive.  I don't want to say too much in case anyone wants to watch it!

Cadbury Creme Egg!  Well you just cannot not include these can you!  To quote the advert "how do you eat yours?!"  I always bite the top off and scoop out the centre!  Yum Yum YUM!

Now this may seem a strange one but,  I'm really enjoying getting together with the women in my life!  Chatting, having a cuppa, laughing and just enjoying each others company.  A wise lady once told me that we choose our family and I have to say it is so true!  I have such great friends of both genders and of every age.  My oldest friend is in her 80's and the youngest around 20 years old but in friendship age doesn't matter!    
If you haven't connected with your ladies in a while then why not arrange to meet for coffee, invite one round for tea, or just telephone and have a long chat!

Well that's my favourites for this month!  Why not leave a comment below and let me know yours!

Bye for now 

Hales xxxx

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