Hello everyone! Happy new year! I hope you had a blessed Christmas however you spent it. for us it as mainly spent with family. We made a visit to Mr CMs parents just before Christmas and then spent the day itself with our children and my two little brothers and their families.
well they are younger than me! | | |
It was a nice day all round. My two elder sons came along with their families although Son No 1 had to leave after a hour as he was playing darts with my brothers and managed to dislocated his arm so needed to go to the hospital. Merry Christmas!
Family time is very important to me and I love being with my children and Grandchildren. The years have flown its only when I sit and look at them I realise how fast it has gone!
Sleeping at Grandmas and Grandads |
New Years eve was a new one for Mr CM and I. We spent our first one ever alone with none of our children at home! We have never been without at least two of them at home and they were all gone! we enjoyed the time by snuggling up watching a film and eating choccies!
Princess has just discovered the Joy of having a sleepover. Last week I was saying to my sister-in-law how she wouldn't sleep out and Mr and I couldn't have any nights out etc. Then on Friday she announced to my brother that she wanted to sleep at his. she was quite insistent so we let her sleep. All the time we were expecting the midnight phone call to pick her up but it didn't come. She had a great time! Then last night she asked her big brother could she sleep there! First we couldn't get her to sleep out and now we cant get her home!
GD2 enjoying her choccies! |
New years resolutions? I shall carry on with my Challenge 52 that I completed last year but apart from that I have decided to take things as they come. We are looking forward to the birth of our third grandchild and enjoying spending time with our other two granddaughters. I want to learn a new craft and also make a couple of Union Jack cushions for our sofa but i have all year to do that!
Well time to go. I hope your new year will be filled with Love and blessings and I look forward to reading and hearing about everyones adventures in 2012!
A cleaner version of GD2! |
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