The PB Family

A UK Family lifestyle and beauty Blog. We are a family who range in age from 2 months - 70years! Join us as we review items, live our daily life and discuss the worlds happenings!

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Baby girls high heeled shoes?????

Recently Princess and I went shoe shopping.  We were looking for a pair of nice of shoes for winter wear.  You know the sort, black, flat with a strap across the front.  Just a normal pair.  We went to a local big shoe shop. i cant name them but lets just say they are in Great Yarmouth and have recently opened!!!!

So.......  Princess and I went shoe hunting.  We went to the section for her size and found one pair of the previous mentioned shoes.  but lots of pairs of these!

Now..... maybe i will be seen as old fashioned here BUT I don't care!  I for one do not want my five year old clomping around in these!  She is a little girl and as such she should dress as one!  never mind the damage to her back and feet, what about the impression that it gives her! One that she should be dressed up like a lady or young Lolita?  I totally disagree with the idea that our precious daughters should dress up in this way and I for one definitely will not be buying such items for her!

Monday, 23 August 2010


I recently made a cake for my 13 year old nephews birthday.

Please note the little Ginger haired man on The front!  made especially for him!

Charlotte made this one

Im a Grandma!

Perfect Princess!

At last our Beautiful Grandaughter has arrived,.
she is the most perfect little thing!  Instead of waffling on i will just post some pictures of her!

Cuddles with Daddy!
Proud grandad

About 1 hour old
 Auntie Princess!

Friday, 6 August 2010

I have just finished reading this book and felt I had to recommend it.
I don't usually have the time to read fiction books but was given this to read by a friend.  the thing was i absolutely could not put it down.  The story starts off a little slow but once it gets going its brilliant!  I am now reading the second book in the series and I'm at chapter 7.  I have to say that that so far its just as good.  I thoroughly recommend it.
