The summer ending
If there are any reader left after my long absence!
The thing is Ive been very poorly over the summer and too weak to even think about posting.
To cut a long story short It all started with pneumonia and ended with septicemia and a burst cyst on my kidney. Fortunately I am on the mend and God is good so I know I will be fine.
So.......... crafting has been very limited. I am now on round 65 of my giant granny blanket. It now takes over a hour to crochet one round and super snugly so I look forward to finishing this over the winter with it tucked over my legs! My aim is to make it 200 rounds so that it fits right over our king sized bed touching the floor at all sides.
Princess started horse riding lessons over the summer and is loving it. Daddy takes her and they have to go half a hour early and come home half a hour after the lesson to allow her time to visit every one of the horses at the stables. She is fascinated by horses and on a rainy day she can be found in the lounge with all of her horses giving her barbies riding lessons! Its funny how this quiet and shy little one has now turned into a confident, thoughtful and chatty little girl. She really is a blessing.
I have a whole lot of things to post here of things from our summer so I will do so in a few posts rather than bombard all at once!
I hope you all had lots of fun and enjoyed crafting over the summer months. Its taking me a while to catch up and comment on others blogs so please bear with me and I'm sure I will get round to you soon.
Bye Bye for now