The PB Family

A UK Family lifestyle and beauty Blog. We are a family who range in age from 2 months - 70years! Join us as we review items, live our daily life and discuss the worlds happenings!

Friday, 12 July 2019

All girls together!

Hello my lovelies!

I have to say that although I am a bit of a social butterfly I do tend to have very few close friends.  This is for many different reasons.  Some I can explain and other I cant.  I have a couple a good friends that I have known since being a child. 

Another who was my mainstay through my teen age years and then I have friends that I have known since becoming a adult.  The thing is all of these people are important to me.  They are the people I would trust my life with.  The ones who I have laughed and cried with.  There are friends that I have confided secrets with and those that I have laughed as we have told stories about misadventures. 
I have grieved with some and held others as they have cried. Some of my friends know each other and others have never met.  We have been sick together, fought battles and just been happy to 'do life' with.

No matter how close we are or how long it has been since we last spoke or saw each other, they are my friends, My family and who I most like to be around. 

We all need these people in our lives.  We need those that we can depend on,  be reassured by and just have fun with.  I have been blessed with the best bunch of friends and would be lost without them.  How would I ever manage without them?  I wouldn't! I wouldn't want to either.  So my friends,  Never underestimate the effect you have had in my life.  The way you have propped me up and at times defended me.  you have held my hand through life and will continue to do so and in return I shall hold yours!

I love you guys.

So if you have a friend that you haven't seen or spoken to for a while pick up the phone, make a coffee date or just go for a walk in the park together.  Maybe you have fallen out with a friend over something that now seems daft. Our pride gets in the way and ruins things for us.  Build that bridge, make that call and get things back on track.  You wont regret it!

Bye for now!

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