The PB Family

A UK Family lifestyle and beauty Blog. We are a family who range in age from 2 months - 70years! Join us as we review items, live our daily life and discuss the worlds happenings!

Monday, 31 January 2011

I made a rag doll!

Princess loves Strawberry Shortcake.  When we went fabric shopping at a shop that's just opened near us,  she spotted some strawberry fabric and was delighted with it!   So we bought some and some calico and made her a rag doll.  It was my fist attempt at making one but I'm quite pleased with the results.  The face looks a little strange and the eyes are lopsided but Princess  loves her and took her to school for show and tell today.

Friday, 28 January 2011

challenge 2011 week four!

Yay I'm on time!

This week I seen my second Son leave home to set up home with his Girlfriend.   Its a bittersweet time as most mothers know.  The joy at one less teenager in the house,  One less set of washing each day,  extra time for me.  on the other hand, One less person living here, giving me a hug,  giving me a smile.  Still life goes on and the world turns.

We have a little Doggie called Poppy.   When our Beautiful Jessie-Dog passed away Poppy pined for her and became very attached to our Daughter. Now when ever Princess goes out then Poppy sits on the back of the sofa and windowsill waiting for her to come home!  And you know what?  That dawg can tell the time!  At three O'clock everyday faithfully,  she takes up her station on her cushion waiting for Daddy to return with the Princess! When they return,  What a reunion!  you would think they hadn't seen each other for weeks instead of hours!  I love the way dogs are so faithful to their owners.

So crafting time.......

It was my Nieces birthday and she is a avid swimmer so i decided to make her a swim bag.  I didn't have a lot of time so made it as simple as possible.  I bought a new towel and removed the trimming.  Added some teddy bear fabric and a handle and finished!  The beauty of this bag is that it can be used as a extra towel to dry herself and then bunged in the washing machine when she gets home from swimming with no messing about!   Quick and easy to make and a really practical present.


Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Hospital appointments and all that jazz!

Hello everyone and I hope you are keeping well x
Today we had a hospital appointment at our hospital.  Our youngest has a slight turn in her eyes which needs attention so after waiting for five months for a appointment we were finally seen.  The clinic was running being which meant we were waiting for four hours.  (how I wish I had taken my knitting!)  Not that I'm complaining about that.  They are busy and do a great job so a little wait has become something we all expect.  What my gripe is, is that while we sat there I overheard a conversation between a Doctor and receptionist saying that twelve people had either cancelled or DNA (did not attend) for that morning session.  Now I know that emergency's crop up and life doesn't always go to plan BUT Twelve!  I urge people to think very carefully before they cancel a appointment on the day its for.  Waiting lists are so long that this would surely shorten them if the appointment could be offered to someone else?   We have a Nation Health Service which is free unlike many other parts of the world. Its struggling as it is .  Why not give them a helping hand?
Any hoo...........   That's my thought of the day!


Monday, 24 January 2011

Challenge 2011 Week 3

Oh dear......................

Its only the third week into the challenge and I'm behind!  Although I have been into hospital for some tests so I guess just this time I am excused!
We recently bought  a 1940s child's chair from ebay. We paid the bargain price of £4.99!  I was so pleased with it.  Although it was rather battered I see a great future ahead of it.  Not only for Princess but for our subsequent Grandchildren and (God willing)  Great-Grandchildren.
It desperately needed recovering but finances being a little tight at the moment we couldn't afford it. BUT.... Then I was looking through my fabric stash and I found some fabric I had bought on a whim about two years ago.  It was perfect so i just had to use it.  the chair is now suitable to be on public display and has pride of place in our lounge! Perfect!
Here are some before and after photographs!

And then after a couple of hours, a staple gun and a bit of Patience!.........................

We just love it.  Its a temporary covering until we win the lottery and it can be covered by a professional with Cath Kidston fabric.  Ohhh sounds lovely doesn't it?

Talking of Cath Kidston......
I recently entered a giveaway on one of the blogs that I follow  kandipandi pop along there and take a look at her makes.  This is what I won.

I was so excited to win and receive this!  It has some beautiful things in it.  I cant wait to try out some of the ideas!   kandipandi was so generous to give this away and it was so great to get the email to say I had won, on the day I had been to hospital for tests and felt pretty rough!  Thank you again my lovely xxx
She has just made the Union Jack cushion from the book and its absolutely fabulous.


Friday, 7 January 2011

week 2 challenge 52 2011

Hello again and welcome to my new blog readers as well as those who have been reading for while.
We are starting to feel better her at crafty mum towers but have been left with a shocking cough.  Still after reading the news with all of the cases of swine flu about we are thankful that we are all recovering well.

This week I have been busy making a few items.  
mug rug
Firstly I made a mug rug (fancy name for a coaster)  for one of the lovely ladies whom i am doing a birthday swap with.  I made it using a old pair of jeans and corduroy trousers of my daughters.  there is even a special pouch for biscuits!

Then I made some hair accessories to put in my handmade gift box/pile

These were made using some felt remnants from Christmas decorations.
A little beaded purse/ handbag.  Again for the gift pile.  This was made using the leg from a old pair of Princesses jeans.  I'm doing well sticking to the recycling theme so far this year!

Then finally Mr bought me a beautiful cup cake stand for Christmas.  It has pride of place on my new dresser (pictures to follow)  I felt like it needed a mat or runner to sit on so Ive made a little cup cake runner/mat for it to sit on.  Oh course this also had to be cup caked themed!
not a very good picture but you kind of get the idea!

So all in all have had quite a productive week.  How about you?  feel free to post your links for your crafts in the comment box below.
Bye for now 


Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Back to school blues

So Princess went off to school today all excited with a big smiley face! But this is me

I always feel a little sad when the holidays are over.  Mind you its not like she and the rest of the family haven't left enough for me too do!  As a extra Christmas present DH bought me a welsh style dresser to be a home for my teacup and saucer collection,  Its a super piece of furniture but I've had to move the kitchen around to accommodate it.  So I thought while I'm doing that I may as well completely spring clean the kitchen! 
Am I completely silly!  I'm now halfway through and needed a cuppa and a break!  There is so much stuff!  there is enough to furnish three kitchens!  I really must stop hording things and trust that when I am in need of something then God will provide the perfect item at the perfect time.  I'm down sizing EVERYTHING!!! Mugs how many do we actually use?  Casserole dishes?  I always end up using the same old faithful ones.  Pudding bowls?  Not one but two, TWO!! breadmakers!  Far far too many.  so its all got to go.  Ive just put a advert on free cycle and hopefully someone can make use of them to stop them going in landfill.  
So room one (kitchen) and room two ( utility room) are the target for today.  Tomorrow?  who knows!


Sunday, 2 January 2011

Week one Challenge 52 2011

Week one!
Happy 2011 Everyone!
So after running around after everyone in the family who was ill  throughout Christmas I finally caught their Flu virus!  Feel like a sickly pants so my first offering is something I put the finishing stitches in just after midnight on NYE!

Its knitted door flag/banner for my nephews bedroom door.  Bit of a poor offering to start the challenge off but I hope you understand.  Its hard to craft while constantly blowing your nose and feeling awful.  I'm hoping next week will be more thrilling!

Dont forget to leave your comments and links to your lovely makes underneath!
Happy new year
Hales xx
