The PB Family

A UK Family lifestyle and beauty Blog. We are a family who range in age from 2 months - 70years! Join us as we review items, live our daily life and discuss the worlds happenings!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

CHALLENGE 52 COMPLETED!!!!!! and Finished hat!

Wow this is good. Two posts in two days!
So as you may have seen I have been taking part in the 54 week 52 item challenge.  It was suppose to be  make on thing a week for a year but Ive finished.  I haven't always made one thing a week and have made more than one some weeks but its all levelled out and now, I have finished.  The list on the right is not a complete list of things I've made as I don't always remember to write them down but it gives a insight into what I've been up to.

I finished the Hat I was knitting for Mr CM.  I'm really pleased with it as I have only just learnt to cable knit and apart from a couple of pairs of wrist warmers this is my first real project.
Ive Knitted it using chunky wool and so its really warm and cosy and perfect for the winter evenings that seem to be coming in now. the pattern can be found HERE
IT has worked out so well that  may make one each for my sons to go in their Christmas stockings.

Well time to start another project.  What can I be tempted with on Ravelry!
Bye for now xx

Monday, 24 October 2011

October is nearly gone!

Well here I am again over a month from my last post.  I'm still suffering with the effects of my hospital stay but feel better than i have for a long while.

SSSSSSSSoooooooooo   What have i been up to?  Well a bit of this,

A couple of pairs of cosy slipper socks for GD2.  Ive made her a couple of pairs as she keeps kicking off her socks

and then a bit of this...........

My Daughter-in-law makes THE BEST choccie cake and shared her secret with me.  So I had a go and added the strawberries as I couldn't resist!  But i have to say hers is still better

Then we went to visit friends in the midlands and attend a birthday party.  We had such a good time there.  Cant wait to see them again soon.

My Husband and I
Daddy and Princess

My school friends and I

and twenty years on from us leaving school, here are our daughters!

As for Wips?  Well I'm still working on the giant granny blanket.  I have a hat on the go for Mr CM and I'm also making a knitted cardigan for one of my granddaughter's.  I will add photos soon.

I hope all is well in your corner of the world and we will meet again soon xxx